Looking for IT startups

Investing in early-stage IT startups

We offer not only investments, but also knowledge accumulated over 10 years in the venture world. By cooperating with us, you also get into the startup community, where you can find partners, like-minded people, and friends

Марат Толибаев
Воспроизвести видео

Marat Tolibayev

Head of Activat VC

You can take a startup course and prepare an effective application form

Марат Толибаев

Startup selection stages


Preliminary application

Fill out a pre-application form with basic information about the project


Startup profile

For a detailed review of the startup — fill out the questionnaire



We will arrange a face-to-face meeting with the startup team offline or online


Preliminary Investment Committee

Before full-fledged due diligence, we conduct our own assessment of the startup


Due diligence

We compile a complete picture of the startup. Risk assessment, comprehensive research, as well as due diligence of the financial and market situation


Final response

After thoroughly vetting and evaluating the startup, we summarize the results and communicate a positive or negative evaluation to the funder


  1. Click on the "Apply" button and fill in the Questionnaire;
  2. Detailed instructions and the Investment Application form will be sent to the e-mail address you provided;
  3. Carefully study the instructions and fill in the Investment Application;
  4. Wait for a reply from our managers.

Activat Startup is a community of entrepreneurs where people share their experience, support and help each other develop.

In order to join the community, you need to fill in the Questionnaire on our website by clicking on the "Join Activat Startup Entrepreneur Community" button. After filling out the Questionnaire, a manager will contact you and you will be added to the Telegram chat of the community of entrepreneurs.

  1. All applications from startups are received by Activat VC. Those applications that comply with the Investment Declaration of our company are submitted to the Investment Committee for consideration.
  2. The startup is invited to the Preliminary Investment Committee, where it presents its project to the members of the Activat VC Investment Committee and answers questions. If the Investment Committee makes a positive decision, the startup moves to the due diligence stage. 
  3. The due diligence lasts from 2 to 3 weeks, during which the specialists study the project, double-check information, calculations and submitted documents. The goal of the specialists, without trusting only the startup's statements, is to get the most objective picture on all the most important issues specified in the application.
  4. After due diligence, the members of the Investment Committee gather together with the startup founders and each specialist voices his or her conclusion about the project in his or her area of expertise. The startup founders have an opportunity to give their comments.
  5. After the final discussion, the Investment Committee members make a final decision on whether to invest in the project.
  6. If our funds are insufficient or we believe that it is advisable to share the risks, we submit such projects to our colleagues in the Activat Invest Invest Club for consideration.

Activat VC Investment Statement


Activat VC Advisory Board: strategic support for startups

Activat VC’s Achievements in 2024

Activat VC Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with BI Group

Advisory Board comprehensive - startup support